Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm Back!!!

Well I am back. I know that when I was in Japan I started a blog. However, due to the swift move back to the states due to Jake's health, I haven't touched it since I left Japan. Now I am starting over fresh with a new site. First, I want to say that Jake is doing great. He is off all of his medications and hasn't had an asthma episode since we have moved. Yes, many of you do not know that we have moved from Japan to California recently. Jakob's lungs did not like the pollution over in Japan so the military moved us back here to the states. Things have been crazy since we arrived. I am just now getting a bit of spare time to write. I have gone back to school to get my teaching certificate. It has been a lot of fun. The kids have started school again. They are keeping my busy with homework and extra curricular's. I guess the main reason for me writing a blog again is because Nick just deployed. It was short notice therefore no one really knows yet. Now you all know. He will be gone for about 4 months. So, I wanted to use this blog to keep everyone informed about Nick and keep him informed of what is going on here. Nick and I celebrated our 11th Wedding Anniversay this last week. So, I thought I'd post my favorite picture from our 10th Wedding ceremony that we had last year. Please keep Nick in your prayers. Check back often for updates. We love and miss you all. And for those of you who know the joke behind DB, check out the title of my web page. HA!HA!HA! God Bless. Danielle.

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