Saturday, August 14, 2010

Letter's To Soldiers

For the next several months I will be working on a program called Project Rudolph. I am very excited to be a part of this wonderful charity created by Tawny Campbell. Project Rudolph is a program where gift bags are made and either mailed as Christmas gifts to soldiers who are deployed or handed out to soldiers in person at the AMC Passenger Terminal throughout the month of December. Last year 14,000 bags were made and delivered. A Project Rudolph gift bag consists of a decorated brown paper sack lunch bag filled with goodies. The goodies consist of one hand written letter from an adult, two hand written letters/drawn pictures from children, a Christmas ornament, German candy and American candy. Currently, we are in kick-off mode for Christmas 2010 and we could use all the help we can get. The hardest item to come by is the letters. I want to share a few letters with you.

These letters are from children:

To any service member,

'Sup, homie? Thank you for your service, dude. That's really cool that you do something like that. My bro is in Iraq. He likes it. Have fun on your leave.

Joshua B (Oakley, Idaho)

Thank you,

Thank you to those who are fearless. Thank you to those who put on a face of stone every day to save the whole idea that our country is based on-freedom. Thank you for preserving the way of life that we all take for granted. Thank you most of all for being one of the few brave enough to take up this cause.

Taylor (Murtaugh, Idaho)

Dear Soldier,

Thank you so much for doing this for our country. You are awesome! I hope you aren't too cold and lonely over Christmas. I REALLY appreciate you (a lot). Thank you so much!

Laynee (Oakley, Idaho)

Dear Soldier,

I appreciate what you are doing for our country and everybody else. Every time my dad watches the news I hear about people going to Iraq and Germany and sometimes getting killed in other places.

My dad is in the Marines. He has gone to Iraq and fought for the country just like you soldiers. My life is trying to do good in school and hope to try to go to college to be just like my dad.

Duane J (Burley, Idaho)

I've heard some amazing stories about how these letters have touched the hearts of the soldiers away from their homes during the holidays. This is something EVERYONE can be a part of. In the next few posts I will be sharing more about how the program works, some adult letters, and how YOU can be a part of this wonderful cause!!!

Please watch this Military Tribute video "American Soldier" - Toby Keith.  It is a very heart touching tribute.  It's people like those shown in this video who are receiving Project Rudolph gift bags.

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