Thursday, August 05, 2010

A Mirror's Reflection

“Maturity is that time when the mirrors in our mind turn to windows and instead of seeing the reflection of ourselves we see others." - Unknown

Today I looked in the mirror. Shocking?? Not really...I look in the mirror every day. However, today was a bit different. I saw my hair...which was messy because I had just climbed out of my nice plush bed. I saw my ears, eyes, cheeks, mouth, and neck. Yes...these are things I see in the mirror every day, but what made today unusual? A memory from several years back...that's what!!'s not about what's on the outside that matters; it's really about who we are on the inside. Friends from Idaho...many of you have already heard this story so please excuse the repetition. Sometimes we all need little reminders, and this came back to me today.

Several years ago I attended a funeral of an acquaintance. While sitting there listening to friends and family speak about their loved one sharing memories, funny stories, and words from their heart; a life changing thought entered my mind. What if that was me in the casket? How would people remember me? What would my friends and loved ones say about me? Would I be proud of the legacy I left behind? My heart sunk to the floor as I thought about these things. I was not very proud of who I was. I used this experience to try and become a better person; a person WORTH remembering.

Now I do not share this story to discourage anyone. This is just what was on my heart when I woke up today. I share it for two reasons.

1). Sometimes we do not give ourselves enough credit for who we are. We are our own worst critics. It is in our nature to see the worst in ourselves. Today I encourage you to go against that nature and find a few things that are positive about yourself. I dare you!! Get a pen and paper, take ten minutes and write down five positive things about yourself. It's not going to be easy...but give it a try.

Here are mine:

a). I have a good heart and care about other people.

b). I sing pretty well.

c). I'm there for people when they need help.

d). I'm a motivated person who likes to get things done.

e). I have a lot of love to share.

2). Are we leaving a legacy worth remembering? Now...face it...we are not going to make everyone in our life happy. It's just not going to happen. So...casting all of life's jerks do you want to be remembered? I challenge you again to write down five things you would like to be remembered for. Ha...this dare is a bit easier...but not much…hehehe.

a). I want my family to remember the love I have for them.

b). I want my friends to remember me as one of the best they have ever had.

c). I want strangers see something different in me; that they will walk away saying, "Wow, who was that lady!!"

d). I want to be remembered as a person who gave my all in life, no regrets.

e). I want to leave a legacy of love, warmth, and service. I want those left behind to be proud of who I was on the inside and how I displayed it on the outside. Proud to have known me!

I encourage us all to be who we know we are supposed to be. Take the steps today to see the best in yourself and offer that part of yourself to others. You won't regret it!! It will change your life in ways you cannot imagine!!!

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