Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Fine Arts Night

Last night was the local homeschool group "Fine Arts Night".  Both Kortney and Jakob participated. 

Kortney played a song called Kiss the Rain by Yiruma.  She did a great job.  This song brought tears to many....including myself.  Here is a link to the song:  Kiss The Rain by Yiruma.  She was also VERY excited that she got to play on a Grand Piano.

Jakob played the drums to a church song entitled, Every Knee Shall Bow Medley.  This church the event was held at had electric drums that Jake had never played on before, however he still rocked the house!!

I couldn't find an exact medley like the one Jake did but this song is really close to what he played the drums to:  Can't Stop Praising.

I'm SUPER PROUD of both my kiddos!!!!

1 comment:

Standinginhislight said...

How cool is that?! Not much music talent in our family, cept Joe's self-taught guitar playing. I would love to get Katie playing the piano....someday. =)
~Love ya, Sheri