Thursday, April 22, 2010

Weight Loss Part 2

For my last weight loss blog entry I discussed how I changed my eating habits. This entry will focus on exercise and maintenance.

I learned very quickly that daily exercise is very important. After I had my hysterectomy it took me quite awhile to get moving. I don’t even think I started walking until mid December of 2008. When I did start walking it would take me about thirty minutes to complete a mile. I actually only started out walking a half a mile at a time as that is all my body would allow me to do. Every week I gradually increased my distance by one lap at the track. Next thing I knew I was at one and a half miles.

It was at this point where I started jogging. It’s actually quite funny…I would walk two laps then jog one …walk two laps then jog one. Then I would walk one…jog one…and so on. As I did this I gradually increased my distance. When I hit about the three mile mark I decided to train for a Half Marathon. I used the Hal Higdon training schedule as my guide for training:


I did not follow it exactly. I didn’t do any of the strength training he recommended. If I train for another Half Marathon I would incorporate the strength training as it will help with time. I didn’t do it then because I wasn’t sure how to go about creating a strength training program and I didn’t really have the time to research it.

As I trained for the Half Marathon the miles that I ran increased. There were several short runs and one long run every week. Towards the end I was running/walking about 25-30 miles a week. The shorter runs I was able to run most of and the longer ones I would walk fast/jog about equal distance.

I think the key here is setting a goal and being consistent. With the right diet and regular exercise the weight will come off. Habits are hard to change but once they are changed they are easy to keep. You won’t feel miserable forever. You will start to notice that your body actually craves foods that are good for you and it will crave exercise too.

I will admit I have not done much running since I have been here in Germany. However, as soon as I am recovered from all my surgeries and given the “all clear” to exercise, I will be adding it once again to my daily schedule. I feel so much better when I do.

As far as weight maintenance…I wish I could help there. I actually have no clue how I have kept my weight off. Although I have not totally reverted back to my old eating habits I have once again started eating desserts, candy and rich foods. I live in a country that when you go out to eat one portion can feed the whole family…LOL! I eat about one third of what is given to me and either share the rest with someone in my family or I take the rest home and eat it for another two meals. The only thing that I can think of is I now eat breakfast EVERY morning; I can’t function without eating breakfast. I didn’t eat breakfast for twenty years. I’ve always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I fully believe that now. Just make sure you eat something that is healthy and the right portion size.

I hope this has helped. Best of luck to everyone!! You CAN do it!!!

Picture below is the first professional picture I had done since I lost my is my "after" picture :). I'm sure most of you have seen it on FaceBook. My "before" picture is on the "Weight Loss Part 1" post.

1 comment:

Standinginhislight said...

Thanks for sharing! I've always thought you've looked fantastic, but of course I only see you once every blue moon =) Hope the medical stuff will soon behind you...keep on keeping on! ;^)