Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hello, It's me again.

Well, things have been very busy here the last several days. Nick has finally made it to his final destination. For those of you who don't know he is in Iraq. Anyone wanting contact information, please email me personally. I am not going to post that info on a public blog. I am finally caught up in all my classes. Yeah!!! It feels like I can breath again. Last Friday I met with some sister's from the church for lunch. We had a great time. I was being interviewed for the church newsletter. Friday night the kids had a sleepover with some friends from church and the kids played Twister. Saturday I gave a speech on Credit Card Debt for my speech class. It went over very well. Then I went shopping. I haven't been shopping in over a year. It was fun. I had several kids with me, but they were all troopers and we had a good time. Afterwards, I treated them to McDonald's and they loved that! Sunday, after church, I went to lunch with some friends from church. It was a great time. They all love Jake and Jake loves all the attention. Looks like Jake might have pink eye or something-itis. It has been bothering him for a couple of days now. He is on antibiotic eye drops. If he is not better by Friday I have to take him back in. Kortney has been having wrist problems off and on this summer. After several appointments, we are now seeing a physical therapist who thinks that a bone is her hand is a bit loose. How that happened we have no idea. We have about 20 sessions and she should be back on track. Well, that catches me up to today. Please pray I get some sleep. I tend to not sleep when Nick is gone. Please keep Nick in your prayer's. TTFN-DB.

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