Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kortney Versus Mom

It has been recommended to my dear Kortney by her piano instructor that she learn to play some popular wedding music so that she can start earning money by playing for weddings.  She is very excited about doing this, however, she's having a hard time picking out which music to play.  One of my personal favorites is Beautiful In My Eyes by Joshua Kadison.  I showed Kortney the video to the song as an idea for her to play and she laughed at me.  Here's the link: Beautiful In My Eyes.  She went on and on about his hair and how it looks cheesy that they are making his hair blow with a fan...LOL!!!!  Yes...I agree the video is a bit cheesy.  However, the lyrics to the song are awesome!!  Yes...sometimes (not very often) I am a hopeless romantic.  I happened to bring this song up again today and she told me that if I could get 10 people to respond that they think she should learn this song too, then she would learn it for me.  So....if you like this song and think it would be a good song for Kortney to learn to play for weddings please either click the "Like" button on the link on FB or leave a comment here on the blog.  Please me...LOL!!!!

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